Triple Berry Cobbler

September 20
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Triple Berry Cobbler
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Servings Prep Time
1 9x13 pan 10 minutes
Cook Time
50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 9x13 pan 10 minutes
Cook Time
50 minutes
Triple Berry Cobbler
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
1 9x13 pan 10 minutes
Cook Time
50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 9x13 pan 10 minutes
Cook Time
50 minutes
Servings: 9x13 pan
  1. pre-heat oven to 350 degrees.
  2. combine berries and cinnamon in a 9 x 13 baking dish. Combine flour, 3/4 c. sugar, and baking powder in a mixing bowl and stir. Add milk and melted butter while stirring dry ingredients. Pour/drop batter mixture over the berries trying to cover all.
  3. combine cornstarch and 1/2 C sugar in a small mixing bowl and stir. Sprinkle mix over the entire pan. Remove boiling water from stove and slowly pour over the entire pan. Place the baking dish in the oven and bake for 45-50 minutes or until crust is golden. Some areas may appear whitish due to the sugar mix. Make sure top crust is nice and crispy, remove from oven and cool slightly. Serve warm
Recipe Notes

Recipe Food courtesy of Royal Tine

easy almond-vanilla icing

April 2
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easy almond-vanilla icing
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1 cake
1 cake
easy almond-vanilla icing
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1 cake
1 cake
Servings: cake
  1. cream together the cream cheese & butter, add in the liquid flavors.
  2. begin adding powdered sugar a cup at a time and milk if needed until you reach your desired thickness.
Recipe Notes

if youā€™re not piping cupcakes the icing may not need to be as thick.Ā  i actually used about 3-4 cups for this cake so i could make a thinner coating (and it is easier to spread on a full cake if itā€™s not too thick!)