Merry Mantle

December 2

Well, December is here and for me that means it’s time to finish up my decorating!  My oldest has a birthday on the 4th so it’s always been a goal to have all the halls decked before we have birthday celebrations!  And as much as I love decorating for Christmas, I always seem to struggle with my mantle!  I’m not really sure what it is…I just have to work a little (ok, a lot) harder to come up with mantle displays that I like!  I love what I see in the homes of others…it’s just my stumbling block in my own house!  This year I’m enamored with tiny houses…not the kind you dwell in (although they are fascinating!) but the kind you decorate with!  And I got lucky to stumble across plenty of options!  Each year my decor takes on a little different twist…not that I go and get all new decorations, I primarily use all my old ones but find new ways to embellish them!  This year I’m loving that homespun, traditional look…there’s something nostalgic to me when I see plaids, knits, and good old red and green!  So that combined with the inspiring thought of “home for the holidays” helped me to pull together a mantle that reminds me of the warmth of a home filled with love!  A little mushy maybe…but that’s how I feel when I look at it.  And isn’t that what decorating is all about?  Finding ways to create spaces that make you and those you dwell with feel happy…and at home!  So today I’ll share with you my labor of love…my mantle.

a little home for the holiday…

the inspiration of “home for the holiday” came when i spied these little wooden houses on one of my “idea trips” to Target!  i do love to wander favorite stores if for nothing else but to get plenty of ideas for entertaining and decorating!  these cute, battery operated houses are not only simply sweet but totally affordable!

tiny house

and they’re a darling accompaniment to the string of lit houses draped loosely around the stockings…

holiday mantle

i love to label our stockings with simple tags or letter ornaments!  i stuck some craft holly leaves through the hanger at the top of each for a fun little detail.  and speaking of detail…look how cute all the little cutouts are on these houses!

stocking tag

you might remember that i was actually thinking of getting rid of my chalk wall above the mantle.  i’ve had it like this for several years now and was just thinking about change…but so many of my friends talked me out of it and i’m really glad they did!  i still love it even if i don’t draw anything on it!  a simple “25” in the center of the wreath is all it needs this year!

holiday mantle

and rather than cleaning up the confetti-style snow, i chose white paper shred to take its place…

chalk mantle

so that’s it!  a really simple mantle that turned out to be a cozy sight!  i can tell you i’ll love to be camped out beneath this little village…warming my bones by the fire!

holiday mantle

looks like buddy has the same idea!

by the fire

hope you’re home is filled with some cozy this season!

happy holiday countdown…make it merry!

little string lights from Home Goods, letter ornaments and battery houses from Target…in case you’re wondering!

  1. Anonymous

    December 2

    I love your mantle! I love how it’s not overdone. It’s so elegant, and it looks so cozy. (Buddy has a great life…relaxing by the fireplace!)

    • Lori

      December 4

      Thank you! I really appreciate it!!

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