Tag: candy straw DIY

Red, White, Blue…and Sip!

May 22

After my patriotic project last week creating the cork firecrackers for my holiday table, I  stayed in the mood for red, white, and blue!  It’s such a fun, summertime color combo whether you’re celebrating a stars & stripes holiday or not!  Inspired by something I saw in a catalog, I decided to try my hand at another really easy project to sweeten up a favorite hot-weather drink…the milkshake!  In our house we seem to be making this favorite treat any time of the year but summer is the season my boys REALLY crave them!  And though the official start of summer hasn’t arrived quite yet…it sure felt like it for a few days making it the perfect time to try this treat out!  The great thing about this project is that you can use the idea for any drink or any time of year…but since patriotic celebrations are on the horizon, I’m sticking with the holiday color trio for my frosty beverages!  See how easy and fun it can be to add some sugar to your sipper…

candy coat your straws!