Tag: crafting with sand

Sand Art Centerpiece

July 20

Do you remember sand art projects as a kid?  Simple containers filled with whimsical layers of color in soft, beach-swept patterns!  Sand art creations are so intriguing and very easy to make, which is why they’re a top pick for crafting with the kiddos!  And bonus…they’re still as fun to create as an adult as it was as a kid so why not make a grown-up version!?  Today I’d like to share a really fun and easy project that can be turned into a unique centerpiece for any room…all inspired by craft sand!  I decided to head to the craft store to grab some sand supplies to make something fun for my table and was also thrilled to discover how inexpensive the jars of colored sand actually were!  So I grabbed a few of my favorites and came straight home to complete my crafty task!  I adore projects that are quick and easy…see how simple it is to make a summer inspired centerpiece!

mini sand dune sculptures…