Halloween tabletop Archives - Giggle Living
Tag: Halloween tabletop

Easy Ideas for a Halloween Tabletop!

September 28
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Table top decor is so much fun for any season…but one thing I love about Halloween is that you have the freedom to get a little whimsical without raising eyebrows!  Whether you go all-out spooky or just want to add some festive color to your table, you can find plenty of ways to dress a tabletop that’s perfect for your dinner party!  Today I’d like to share with you a fun centerpiece idea made from recycled decorations!  You know how much I love to recycle…and it can sure stretch your budget!  And to go with that centerpiece, I’m setting a simple and whimsical Halloween table to serve up some holiday sugar…so join me and my 8 legged friends for a little dessert!  Along came a spider to say…

it’s time for Halloween treats!