One of my favorite things about Halloween is the candy! All the little bite-size treats are packaged up in seasonal or spooky wrappings…making them just as fun to display as to indulge on! Putting out a dish of sweets is so easy and looks great while it waits to be handed out to all those little ghostly callers! Only problem is that you might need to refill your dish several times…ok, many many times before the 31st! But that just goes with the holiday territory! I love to let these sugary snacks do some double duty…making a lovely Halloween display until the goblins come knocking–then they turn into sugary offerings so you don’t get tricked! If you don’t want to spend a ton of time decorating but you do plan on handing out goodies at the end of the month…find your favorite dish, bowl, or candy jar and create the easiest and tastiest holiday display!