miniature garden ideas Archives - Giggle Living
Tag: miniature garden ideas

A Simple Garden…Tips & Ideas!

May 20

A simple garden is just about all I can handle!  I do love gardening but I am far from master-gardener status…in fact, I’m really not very knowledgeable at all.  But I have gained a little experience over the years tending our flower beds and little veggie garden.  We began growing vegetables several years ago when the boys were little…hoping to get them to eat what they grew.  And do you know it actually worked!  Each year we all chose our favorites as well as something new to plant.  And that trial and error not only helped the kids learn to experience new foods but also helped me determine what I could actually grow in the space I had.  So now I have it down to a simple science that serves us well!  If you feel like you don’t know anything about gardening, don’t have the space, or think it’s too much work…I’m happy to share some of my simple tips and ideas that might inspire you to give it a go!  I’m still not completely confident with my gardening skills or have grand spaces for growing, but I’m really glad I didn’t let that stop me.  Come along with me on a tiny tour of a simple garden in my backyard…

a simple garden provides plenty of simple joys!