Tag: simple snack tray

Inspirational Gathering!

November 6
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About a month ago a couple of my friends and I were toying around with a thought.  While talking about supper groups, book clubs, and card nights–all fabulous ways to meet with family and friends to enjoy favorite activities–the light bulb went off and a wonderful idea came to mind!  Why not have a group of gals get together on a regular basis to hash out creative ideas?  Whether it be to discuss a new business venture, a celebration, or just to gain guidance on what style of curtains to hang…a fresh perspective from friends might be just what’s needed to get the ball rolling!  In my opinion, the most inspiring ideas are always developed from more than one noggin!  So I had the originators of the group over for a first-time meeting to figure out the logistics before we get this thing into full swing.  It’s really just an excuse for us to spend time together…but who cares?  Any opportunity to gather with friends who are inspiring and encouraging is OK by me!  And even though we don’t want the hosts to go to any trouble when we begin to meet…I couldn’t resist throwing a simple tray of goodies together for this preliminary gathering…it is all about inspiration after all!

a little creative sustenance…