Tag: wall art

What’s Behind a Name?

July 31
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I saw a cute idea some time back and thought I would try and create my own version for my son to hang on his door…a little “welcome home” gift when he returns from camp today!  The wall art that inspired me was an image revealed within a graphic shape…hard to explain in words!  But no matter, I’ll visually share with you my version…instead of a shape, I decided to use a name…and the image coming through the letters would be part of a world map.  Since my son was coming home from his long overseas visit to China I thought it would be so great to feature this portion of the map…not just art for his room but a remembrance of his travels!  So I’m keeping it short today so I can run to the airport with much anticipation of hearing all the wonderful stories of his adventures!  Take a peek at this fun project waiting for him at home!

what’s hiding behind his name…